Monday, January 11, 2010

Enter the January Jumpstart Challenge!

Calling all T-Tappers--no matter how long you've been Tapping! The January Jumpstart Challenge begins this Friday, January 15:  January Jumpstart Challenge

I entered the 2007 and 2008 60-Day Challenges and they were instrumental in helping me reach my goal.  These contests were motivating and gave me an extra push to work harder for a season.  I saw real changes in my body and the effects continued in the weeks and months afterward.  And of course winning a category was absolutely fabulous!  Remember, you can't win if you don't enter.  The prize for this challenge is even more amazing than the Safety Harbor Retreat because of the chance to receive personal attention from Teresa Tapp in a smaller group.  The resort and spa is the ultimate pampering experience, and it's the best girlfriend time you'll ever spend because T-Tappers are so encouraging and friendly.  Take advantage of this opportunity to commit to consistency that will improve your body and your health.  GO FOR IT!!


  1. I'm always excited to see a new post on your blog!! Thanks for the encouragement to enter the January Jump Start Challenge. I have been seriously thinking about doing so. I can't decide which category though -- I'd like to enter the one for Short Torsos, but I don't seem to be up to the HTF workouts yet. I'm thinking that perhaps it is better to strengthen my abs with the standing workouts first!

    So, I'm debating between the BWO+/SATI/SITTM category, which seems very doable to me, fits into my busy schedule, and offers more variety, and the TWO category, which is what I feel I NEED, but it challenges me on many levels -- the length of the workout, the intensity, and the fact that I fall all over myself on the lunges and balance sequences! (Did you have that problem at the beginning??) Any suggestions?

    I REALLY want to not only enter, but finish this challenge! And I want to see some Results! I'm crying out to God that He will help me to be successful with weight/inch loss this year!

  2. The workout that works is the one you'll do, I always say. So it looks like you already know which one will work! You can get plenty of results with muscle activation and good form--toes forward (no ducks!), bend knees to the end of toes, curl the core and lift those ribs out of hips, shoulders over hips and push knees out to little toes. Definitely enter--I'll be cheering you on, girl!

  3. Just wanted to let you know that I did enter the challenge. I decided to go with the TWO category -- with the realization that I did not have to do the TOTAL Total Workout! My balance is poor -- so I really want to work on those balance moves and hope to strengthen my core! I have a thirty minute time slot in my morning routine for exercise, and I have just been doing what I can and stopping there. One afternoon I picked up where I left off that morning and finished the TWO that afternoon. I'm also thinking I could divide it in "half" and do the first part one day and the remaining section the next day. I just wondered if you could recommend the best place to divide the Total Workout so that I am getting the most out of my workouts.

    Thanks for your help!
