Sunday, January 24, 2010

Making Short Workouts Effective, Part 1a p.s.

In case you didn't read Casey's comment, here is part of it:

"Taking the less is more approach with T-Tapp you can focus on pushing your form as best you can for a 15-20 minute routine in order to get the most out of the workout. Rushing through a longer workout with sloppy form doesn't benefit you much. It's best to focus on doing the best you can with your form on each exercise, even if that means less repetitions at your own pace. Taking that route will get your body stronger faster so that you can do more each time you exercise."

My thoughts exactly!  No "break moves," no spaghetti arms, no straight knees--you get the picture.  Sure, it's a lot to think about, it's hard, it makes me huff and puff, I feel uncoordinated, waaaahhh! :-)  But in what other workout system do you get so much for so little investment of time?  I stand amazed when I read about people going to a gym two hours a day, six days a week.  Power to ya.  But it wouldn't work for me, period.  I'll spare you the details of what I've got to do this week, but suffice it to say, uh, I'm busy.  So I'll take 15 minutes of isometric, comprehensive compound muscle movement and go on my merry way.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Making Short Workouts Effective, Part Ia

Elizabeth asked these questions and I'll answer them in a series of posts.  Stay tuned for the next episode of *background music rises* Renew You...*commercial break*  (thanks, Elizabeth, for sparing me the effort of thinking up new topics!)

Q:  Could you share more about what you did that really made those short workouts so effective?

A:  There were a combination of things I did to help make short workouts effective.  First of all, I actually DID the short workouts.  :-)  Not just once or twice a week, but pretty much every other day, at least 4-6 times a week (6x week during harder efforts for a season, like the 60-Day Challenge, 4x week during regularly scheduled life, especially during the holidays).  I believe that long workouts EOD would give faster results overall, but only if done in good form.  In other words, flopping quickly through the Total Workout in an effort to speed up inch loss would *possibly* give less results than a mindful, muscle-activated short workout.  I say *possibly* because it would depend on overall form, fitness level, etc.

I became a student of T-Tapp.  I am "an inquiring mind who wants to know" so my search for information was probably more intense than the average person.  Many people are not the type to read everything they can find on a subject.  However, even the most casual learner can scribble a question about form on a post-it note as they work out and look it up on the forum later using the "search" function or study the move in Fit and Fabulous.  I read and posted on the forum almost every day, so that knowledge base built up.  Of course reading a form tip and applying a form tip are two different things, and you have to DO the workout to apply the form tweak (see above).

I have more to say on this, so there will be a sequel to this question.  In the meantime I must cook supper for twelve.  On the menu for tonight:  refried beans, tortilla chips, salad, taco meat, cheese and sour cream for a Mexican buffet.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Short Workouts Revisited

Okay, girls, let's get down and dirty.  Yes, I got the vast majority of my results with short workouts.  Usually 15-20 minutes, up to 30 minutes.  (But I think interspersing seasons of long workouts a couple of times a week was important, too).  The promise of "15 minutes" is what drew me to T-Tapp in the first place.  "15 minutes" kept me going through busy days.  I would think "anybody can do 15 minutes."  And of course it was a little more than 15 minutes by the time I changed clothes and brushed, but still, no more than 25 minutes.  Okay, so we've established the fact that I did "15 minutes" a lot.

But does that mean it was easy?  Did I not sweat?  Did I flop through and jump in the shower?  No, no, no, my dears.  I groaned.  I dripped.  I researched form.  I pushed myself.  I worked HARD in that 15 minutes.  True confession:  More than once, when I was still really, really overweight (like 100 pounds), in the middle of the workout I sat down on the edge of the bed and cried a little bit because it was hard.  Then I stood up, pulled up my socks and pushed *play* again. 

So yes, 15 minutes.  Fifteen efficient, effective minutes.  But easy?  Not exactly.  Worth it?  Most definitely.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Enter the January Jumpstart Challenge!

Calling all T-Tappers--no matter how long you've been Tapping! The January Jumpstart Challenge begins this Friday, January 15:  January Jumpstart Challenge

I entered the 2007 and 2008 60-Day Challenges and they were instrumental in helping me reach my goal.  These contests were motivating and gave me an extra push to work harder for a season.  I saw real changes in my body and the effects continued in the weeks and months afterward.  And of course winning a category was absolutely fabulous!  Remember, you can't win if you don't enter.  The prize for this challenge is even more amazing than the Safety Harbor Retreat because of the chance to receive personal attention from Teresa Tapp in a smaller group.  The resort and spa is the ultimate pampering experience, and it's the best girlfriend time you'll ever spend because T-Tappers are so encouraging and friendly.  Take advantage of this opportunity to commit to consistency that will improve your body and your health.  GO FOR IT!!